Allseas – Innovation opens beers

Toying with an industrial robot at the office 😉

R&D Eindhoven (a.k.a. Inspection & Robotics) opens the Friday “borrel” beers with their new Fanuc M-710iC/45M Robot in combination with a Cognex In-Sight 2000 Vision Sensor.

R&D Eindhoven is part of the Innovation Department of Allseas Engineering B.V.

InnoFaith – 3D.js front-end for embedded devices

SVG vector bases, touchscreen enabled, animated, and 3D.js driven front-end, running on an “embedded” Raspberry-Pi that is sampling 21 USB connected skin moisture sensors (each containing an array of 256×300 sample points).

3D.js SVG front-end data visualisation

The system is running battery power in a bag pack, carried by the human test subject. De system is hosting a live measurement data as a web service using a Wifi AP hosted by WiFi USB dongle connected to the Raspberry Pi, in connection with the 21 USB connected skin moisture sensors.

3D.js SVG front-end status visualisation

System status (including the external battery) can also be monitored through the same web interface (running fullscreen on a iPad).

InnoFaith – OBSERV 520 iOS App

The skin diagnostics suite bundled with the OBSERV 520. This iPad based skin diagnostics suite uses the Bluetooth 4.0 Low Energy (BLE) to communicate with the OBSERV 520 by Sylton, and uses the iPad camera in combination with GPU accelerated image filters to visualise a broad range of skin concerns.

Overview of the OBSERV 520 iOS App

App Store link:

Sylton (InnoFaith) product information:

InnoFaith – Fingernail curvature reconstruction

A fun little test setup that uses three (cheap) webcams and a (static) line projector, to measure the outline and curvatures of a human fingernail. Resulting in an Bézier curves based 3D model, that approximates the subjects fingernail.

Final test setup with three webcams and a static line projector.
Original ghetto setup using three webcams and a line projector.

A small volume is calibrated for all three cameras (using a simple calibration cube). Making it relatively easy to measure and reconstruct the outlines and curvature of a fingernail in a distinct color.

The line projector is used to add a high contrast reference on the smooth fingernail surface.

Proof of concept prototype.
Proof-of-concept software implementation (Qt5, OpenCV, and OpenGL).

The end goal is to get an low data approximation of the fingernail shape, to produce custom (as in perfect fitting) artificial nails.

TU/e – Eyes tracking (OpenCV)

The face and pupil recognition application is the result of a computer graphics class, this application makes use of C99/C++ and the OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision) library to find the face of a user and track his pupils using an inexpensive webcam. The idea it to calculate the viewing position on the computer screen using the webcam images. The resulting application was able to calculate a raw approximation of the screen location after small calibration procedure that uses 5 points on the screen (center, and all four corners). The application is also able to locate the user’s nostrils and mouth.

Eyes tracking