I needed a quick (DIY) solution to create a hot plate (a.k.a. Screen Repair Separator Machine Heating Plate) for repairing the screen of my wifes mobile phone. It is a cheap phone so I needed a cheap solution to create hot plate alternative.
After staring at the kitchen oven (too hot, even on the lowest setting), I got this brief mental lapse… What about a take-out (Dutch Chinees food) container filled to the top with hot water.

It is easy to control the temperature, by mixing 100 degrees kettle water with tap water (assumed to be ambient temperature):1 part 100 degrees + 1 parts 20 degrees: (100+20) / 2 = 60 degrees
2 parts 100 degrees + 1 part 20 degrees: (100+100+20) / 3 = 73 degrees